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Canadian weather

In Canada, there are four main seasons:

Winter: December to February

Library in the winter

       Spring: March to June 

         Ontario Tech logo in the flowers

Summer: June to August

Campus in the summer

Fall: September to November

Polonsky in the fall

Often regarded as the Great White North, Canada’s winter typically arrives in November and ends in March. Winters in Canada are an amalgamation of freezing wind, rain storms, chilling snow falls, etc. The further north, the colder the winter. But do not let this scare you! We will provide the information for you to prepare for winter in Canada. 

  • Stay up to date on weather conditions
    • The Weather Network is a great place to check the temperature and weather.
    • Environment Canada’s weather app, WeatherCAN, is free for you to download to get the latest forecast information.  
    • Make sure you check the notifications from Ontario Tech in case of an emergency closure resulting from inclement weather such as a severe snowstorm.

Image source: Government of Canada

  • Read through Canada's Wind Chill Index. It includes information on cold weather safety, injuries caused by exposure to the cold and a chart with information on health hazards and safety advice for different wind chill values.
Home and car preparation for winter
Activities to do in the winter

It’s important that you stay active and enjoy winter by going outside and enjoying winter activities. It can be easy to always stay indoors but remember to get fresh air, meet with friends/family and enjoy the season. 

You may experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is related to changes in seasons where symptoms appear during late fall or early winter due to the weather change and lack of sunlight. If you notice SAD symptoms it’s important to reach out to the Mental Health office. They provide confidential counseling support in the life challenges you may be facing whether small or big.

Here are some ideas of winter activities you can do:

  1. Ice skating - Ontario Tech offers free ice skating at the Campus Ice Centre
  2. Watch a hockey game
  3. Tobogganing/sledding
  4. Ski or snowboarding at Lakeridge Ski Resort 
  5. Visit the maple syrup farm at Pefferlaw Creek Farms Maple Syrup
  6. Durham Region Festivals