We offer various international and exchange student orientation events that you are highly encouraged to attend. These programs are geared to help ease your transition to Ontario Tech.
We encourage you to monitor the following webpages for updates on events as they become available. In addition, follow Student Life on Instagram to stay up-to-date with all things Ontario Tech transition support.
New Arrival Support Program (NASP) connects you with International Student Leader (ISL) volunteers who will support you as you transition into Oshawa. This event is structured based on your particular needs as you arrive in the city! For example, it can include a campus tour, help getting banking and phone plans set up, and many more. It's an amazing opportunity to ask questions and learn more about Ontario Tech, you are highly encouraged to register. You can register here: https://forms.gle/Yw2PjjbWm5GFTu8w5
For more information, please contact iss@ontariotechu.ca.