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Student rights and responsibilities

Human Rights

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: 

  1. freedom of conscience and religion;
  2. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
  3. freedom of peaceful assembly; and
  4. freedom of association.

More information regarding The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms can be found on the Government of Canada website. The information on Human rights can be found on the Canadian human rights commission website


Consent is an agreement to engage in an activity. Consent is active, a choice, a process and based on equal power. 

  • Active: Just because they didn't say "No", doesn't mean you have consent. Only "Yes" means "Yes".
  • A choice: Everyone had the right to feel free to say "Yes" or "No" without pressure, threats, or manipulation. 
  • A process: Consent requires ongoing conversations with lots of trust. Just because someone says "Yes" to one thing, doesn't mean they say "Yes" to ALL the things. Everyone has the right to change their mind at any point. 
  • Based on equal power: If someone is under-age, drunk, asleep, unconscious or you occupy a position of power or authority over them, they can not consent. 

More information regarding consent can be found on the British Columbia website

Equity and Inclusion 

We aim to create an equitable and inclusive campus while supporting students through their transition to university. We offer resources, workshops, a variety of supports and opportunities to engage students on campus. Please check the resources on Student life website